Created: 2009-05-04
Last modified: 2009-05-09

MySQL Performance: 5.4, XtraDB-5 and other @dbSTRESS

by Dimitri

SSC Team, 2009
Sun Microsystems Inc.

Ces informations sont données à titre indicatif et n'engagent pas Sun Microsystems.

Table of contents

Benchmark Information
Customer Name(s): SSC Team

NDA: no

Contact Information: dimitri (at)

Dates: May.2009

Keywords: MySQL 5.4, XtraDB-5, XtraDB-3, InnoDB plugin-1.0.3, dbSTRESS, M5000

Hardware Configuration
     - M5000 8CPU SPARC64-VII (quad-core bi-thread) 2400Mhz, 64GB RAM, 2x FC-port 4Gbit

     - ST6140 2x LUN (500GB RAID1 8HD), each LUN connected by its own fiber channel to the host

Software Configuration
     - Solaris 10 u6
     - UFS

     - MySQL 5.4
     - XtraDB-5
     - XtraDB-3
     - InnoDB plugin-1.0.3
     - Google v3 patched MySQL
     - MySQL 5.1.34
     - MySQL 5.0.77
     - dbSTRESS (injector)

Overview: Recently Percona announced the new release - XtraDB-5, and Google published v3 patch for MySQL 5.0.
How to resist and do not test them? ;-))

Result(s): see summary :-)

Benchmark details
My intention is to replay exactly the same tests as in my previous report but on the newest M5000 (quad core) server and and included the newly shipped XtraDB-5 as well Google v3 patched MySQL version. So I'll skip all previously made explanations about db_STRESS tests and scenario and go directly to the action :-))

NOTE: I keep the same redo log size = 128MB and the same dirty page percentage = 15% as before. I'll go more in depth about these choices in my next tests. But for the moment let's keep them unchanged.

NOTE: most of tests were run with a second thread enabled on each CPU core. To put attention on this point I add a mention about number of core threads on used labels. For example 8cores become 8cores(2) (or cores=8(2) for ex.) if both threads were activated on each core. Otherwise 8cores remaining only 8 cores were active with only one thread.

This release is mainly fixing previously discovered instability issues of XtraDB-4 by moving to the Google rw_lock code, as well some other improvements (see details on XtraDB-5 announce ).

Google v3 patched MySQL
I was very curious to see how performs "the main source" of all MySQL improvements - any InnoDB engine variation includes today at least one Google patch! :-)

But the story is not as simple as I expected :-) First of all I did not find any README or HOWTO explaining how to apply Google patch and compile it :-) I know, it's stupid, but did not find :-)) So, if somebody other did not find too - there will be at least mine! :-))

Results Notes
Before to present all final results here, I'd like to put an accent on some of them.

Just a reminder for graphs:

Full Benchmark Results
Few notes :

So well:
Appendix: Workload STATs
Here you may find all main graphs reflecting system and InnoDB activity during most of tested workloads...

Used Abbreviations:

Appendix: Workload STATs 2